Saturday, February 25, 2012

Being 'creative' + WIP

I'm working on a couple of pieces at the moment that I'm loving and while I wait for bits to dry I'm net surfing and came across a post in a group I attend, rather infrequently of late and it started me thinking. The post was about leaving our creativity behind... back in our childhood. The lovely lady was a mathematician who has reconnected with her creativity after being stifled for years.

WIP - This piece is about how 
invisible I feel at the moment and I'm asking if 'you' can see me. 
As a kid I was always a) reading or b) drawing.  I got the message early on that I was not a singer.. thanks but found out in later years that I could hold a tune rather well and had an opportunity to do some singing with a band BUT all those years of remembering I was NOT the singer created nerves that I just could not get past. Still can't do much of singing in public without a panic attack nearing...LOL and yes I can laugh about it.

Drawing.. wellll. I have a lovely cousin who was the designated 'artist' in the family. I remember holidays at her place where I would come home inspired and would draw and doodle etc. BUT seeing as though she was the artist in my head (again) that meant I wasn't. Sooo I didn't major in art at school even though when I was in my art classes I felt safe, free and at home. With all those smells etc I was inspired and anything I did do.. I was great at..:))) but I wasn't the artist in the family. 

WIP.layed down some shapes sprayed
 with inks and paints 
I think the messages we are given, hear, assume are about us are so terrible. Who knows where I might have ended up if I wasn't given the labels... ?? Singer, songwriter, artist. Maybe, maybe not but I would sure feel better about the way I feel when it comes to the creative me and I would probably have followed my heart because I trusted it... deep.

Reading was safe...   I couldn't read for a couple of years.. really read I mean. I couldn't concentrate long enough to get through a page. My general anxiety levels were so high I couldn't do much of anything.  

That's when I found art journaling. I feel I should be singing these words from a mountain top so the world can hear. 
It has stilled the noise in my head. The noises of anxiety, depression, panic... etc. When the world let me down I really didn't cope and took it way too personally. 

2 weeks ago I was experiencing chest uncomfortableness. I'm not in any of the 'risk groups' for cardiac disease but a voice in my head was over thinking the situation and the more I thought the more pain I was  So I tried to see my Dr but she couldn't fit me in and wanted me to present directly to our local hospital emergency room.. fun..NOT. 

WIP - Doodle art. I've discovered India Ink.. woohoo. 

This piece will be doodled ALOT
Anyway. . . after a holiday from home (overnight stay) and a barrage of tests I was let go with NO bad news from the heart.. yay. BUT I started thinking (rationally) and realised that most of the time I was experiencing this chest sensation I was stressing about something and being a little panicky.... ahaaaa. 

So since my little holiday I'm being much more conscious of how much my creative time is helping me.. :) and looking after me a little bit more than I was. 
