Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hmmm.. Workcover SUCKS

So it seems that in the state of Qld as a patient you have to learn how to 'work' the system to be treated as you deserve to be.

After The Man had a car accident in July last year we have played by what we thought were the 'rules'. Like this one.

If it's not major go see your GP. We didn't think it was major. Minor nose to tail accident. Feeling a bit stiff and sore the day of the accident. The next day (the day we went to the GP) he was in intense pain so we trudged along to the GP and his treatment started at this point.

We think this is important. We don't want to contribute to clogging up the hospital system so we decided to visit the GP the day after his accident. As the accident happened on the way to work  this became a 'Workcover' situation. Because DH has a pre-existing condition 'Workcover' had to cover their but and make sure it had nothing to do with his TM. Fair Enough we thought and it didn't and doesn't.

So he was on 'Workcover'... BUT because he hasn't healed as quickly as was expected??? Lets not take into account we are all different and heal at our own pace.. and if someone ISN'T then maybe HELP find out why? 'Workcover' has dumped him..  because he?? doesn't fit into that neat little box they want him to. 

So today we were chatting to a 'medical professional' who informed that we should have gone through the hospital system and then he would be treated more punctually, he would be seeing the people that can make a difference...

So we're torn. It's not how we live.. we don't want to 'play' games BUT seems we have to so he can get some proper medical attention. What is the world coming to? 

We aren't trying to rort the system.. I need to make that clear. He is not pretending to be injured. He has sustained a debilitating injury to his back. 

My husband has gone from pre-accident having a conditon that limited him in minor ways really. He got tired easily, he had cramping and spasms most of the time but had been, with medical assistance, learning how to get past the pain. He was working a full-time job, could drive a car, was paying taxes, was an active Scout Leader with 20 Scouts in his Troop who were achieving life and Scouting goals with his support.....and the list goes on...NOW He can stand for short periods of time, he can sit for short periods of time, he has limited sleep as he cannot get comfortable, he cannot be a passenger in a car without intense pain so we limit his outings to Dr's and Centrelink. That's it. His world has shrunk to the small things that most of us take for granted. He has progressed to being able to do the dishes.. but 'WORKCOVER QLD' in their wisdom deem he is fit and well enough to go back to work. YEAH.. NO!!!

So our options seem to present at the hospital whenever his pain is not in control.. I'm concerned that he may be hospitalised (which could be good) BUT brings back many memories :((

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