Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Super Lazy Healing Day

TJ and myself have come down with the dreaded lurgie that MG thoughtfully shared with the family. The Man has too but it's so far down his list of woes we'll just let it go   :) plus seriously my energy meter for him is at an all time low.. I know that sounds terrible but I'm just one person who has to look after herself occasionally ... so I am. 

TJ has gone through BOXES of his favourite tissues and God Forbid we buy the wrong ones.... sorry Mum those hankies you gave the boys at Christmas just aren't up to the task. 

Tell me...... HOW MUCH SNOT CAN ONE 13 year old MANUFACTURE??? Fair Dinkum.. So Kleenex thank you for making a tissue that can handle this task. 

He is back to teasing the cat and dog so all is fairly normal in his world... :)

Me I'm on day 12 and still feel blah but I like the aloe vera tissues.. very gentle on my shnozz... but I'm back at work and ever so grateful I don't work everyday. This is the first cold in a long time I haven't bounced back from.... hmm and I've just agreed to a full day at work tomorrow.. oops. Here's hoping no more coughs, colds or runny noses are to be had here... fingers crossed.

Soooo today I've given myself permission to do NOTHING.. or as my brother Mikel would say I'm sitting in my pj's, in my bed with computer on my lap checking out some great Aussie Blogs. 


  1. I love your very groovy background. Where did that come from! I may need to get a computer that sits on my lap like you.

  2. Annie.. this is a background through blogger, and, as I discover your comment, because I'm not very good and finding things on my own blog apparently :) I'm 'trying' to find a rainbow for 'RAINBOW SOLIDARITY'. I would be lost without my computer that sits on my lap.

    Thinking of you today and sending ((((HUGS))) xxx
