Sunday, April 8, 2012

Walking on a tightrope- I AM!!

I have been truly blessed as a parent. I have 3 wonderful children who I love and adore. All boys, great kids.. I know that and everyone who knows them says the same.

I find myself walking a tightrope though when it comes to girlfriends. How does a mother say something of concern without alienating her boy?

How can I say I understand you don't want her around us .. We embarrass you, we aren't the perfect family, we are inconvenient.. I know that.. I GET THAT.. but that doesn't mean we won't like her, or her us but if you don't give us a chance .. I lose YOU and I can't survive THAT.

How can I be OK .. how can I let my boy know I'm hurting DEEPLY because I feel like he is disappearing before my eyes.

How do I tell him I don't want to play this game .. the GF will win because if I say ANYTHING I lose anyway.

I have 3 sons and don't know how I will cope if each time they get a GF they choose to disappear from my life.

We've moved away from our roots to this city I don't feel part of. I feel like I'm wandering in a desert and the waterhole is out of reach.

I've left my tribe behind (twice) and I have no tribe here. My fault -totally. I haven't had the energy to reach out as I'm sick of making friends and then leaving them behind without the means to visit when my heart yearns for them.

I think I'm about to take a tumble off the tightrope and there is no safety net below me..

Oh shit !!

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